The healthcare system has been severely damaged by the epidemic. In the first months of COVID-19, an estimated 1.5 million jobs were lost in the healthcare industry as the nation rushed to contain the new coronavirus by temporarily closing clinics and limiting non-emergency services at American hospitals.

Because fewer physicians work in the sector, practitioners are expected to care for more patients, causing burnout rates to climb, which experts believe increases the probability of medical errors and, as a result, the danger of injury to Americans.

The effect is felt by patients in a variety of ways. According to research by the American Medical Association, doctors who are more burned out are also more likely to make mistakes in patient care. A lack of empathy or concentration could bring this on. Sometimes, other doctors might step in for a colleague who is having a hard time. Burnout may, however, have an adverse effect on the patient experience and the reputation of the healthcare institution.

Due to the emerging labor issues as the pandemic’s characteristics altered, many clinics and hospitals have adapted to digital alternative solutions. As a result of the epidemic, which has increased opportunities, many people are altering how they get their medical treatment. They are using telehealth and other digital technologies for their primary care requirements which are foreseen to continue even after the epidemic.

Telehealth has shown to be a useful resource for patients seeking medical advice. In fact, the survey shows that overall satisfaction with telehealth in primary care was excellent and the majority are enjoying telephone consultations.

Companies have explored the Virtual Workforce to help ease their administrative burden, thus allowing the medical team to address patients more and helping the quality of care overall. Teams like HVAides have been sought after by physicians especially since they provide the best service​ employing World-class Filipino Healthcare Professionals to take care of the client’s needs. Health Virtual Aide can do Live In-Room Charting, Medical Transcription, Virtual Front Office, Care Management, Care Management, and everything in-between.

Clinics and hospitals are now forced to adapt to digital health tools and virtual aid to fill their workforce. More and more physicians have realized this solution is better, more efficient and most of all, inexpensive compared to the usual labor system the healthcare industry had. And more importantly, Patients are happy as they are receiving proper treatment and medication with less to no hassle.

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